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C. Cepnik and U. Wallrabe
Practical and theoretical limits of the output power of electromagnetic energy harvesters at miniaturization
Proc. of PowerMEMS 2010, Leuven, Belgium (2010) pp. 69-72.

A. Kloke, C. Köhler, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher, F. von Stetten
Reaction-specific Platinum Electrodes for Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells: Versatile Fabrication by Cyclic Electrodeposition
Proc. PowerMEMS 2010, Leuven, 2010, 73-76.

C. Bunte, O. Prucker, T. König, J. Rühe
Enzyme-Containing Redox Polymer Networks for Biosensors and Biofuel Cells: A Photochemical Approach
Langmuir, 2010, 26, 6019–6027.

U. Bartsch, J. Gaspar, and O. Paul
Low-Frequency Two-Dimensional Resonators for Vibration Micro Energy Harvesting
J. Micromech. Microeng. 20, 035016, 2010, 1-12.

C. Bücking, F. Popp, S. Kerzenmacher, J. Gescher
Involvement and Specificity of Shewanella Oneidensis Outer Membrane Cytochromes in Reduction of Soluble and Solid Phase Terminal Electron Acceptors
FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 306, 2010, 144-151.

D. Hiller, R. Zierold, J. Bachmann, M. Alexe, Y. Yang, J. W. Gerlach, A. Stesmans, M. Jivanescu, U. Müller, J. Vogt, H. Hilmer, P. Löper, M. Künle, F. Munnik, K. Nielsch, M. Zacharias
Low temperature silicon dioxide by thermal atomic layer deposition: Investigation of material properties
Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 2010, 064314.

S. Kerzenmacher, M. Schroeder, R. Brämer, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Raney-Platinum Film Electrodes for Potentially Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells. Part 1: Nickel-Free Glucose Oxidation Anodes
J. Power Sources, 195, 2010, 6516-6523.

S. Kerzenmacher, U. Kräling, M. Schroeder, R. Brämer, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Raney-Platinum Film Electrodes for Potentially Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells. Part 2: Glucose-Tolerant Oxygen Reduction Cathodes
J. Power Sources, 195, 2010, 6524-6531.

A. Kloke, S. Rubenwolf, C. Bücking, J. Gescher, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
A versatile miniature bioreactor and its application to bioelectrochemistry studies
Biosensors and Bioelectronics,125, 2010, 2559-2565.

M. Peters, J. C. Goldschmidt, P. Löper, B. Groß, J. Üpping, F. Dimroth, R. B. Wehrspohn, B. Bläsi
Spectrally-selective photonic structures for PV applications
Energies 3, 2010, 171-93.

G.K. Raghurama,; K. Schuh, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
Attachment of Polymer Films to Solid Surfaces via Thermal Activation of Self-assembled Monolayers Containing Sulphonyl Azide Group
Langmuir, 26, 2010, 769-774.

E. Redel, M. Walter, R. Thomann, L. Hussein, M. Krüger, C. Janiak
Stop-and-go, stepwise and “ligand-free” nucleation, nanocrystal growth and formation of Au-NPs in ionic liquids (ILs)
ChemComJournal, 2010, 46, 1159-1161.

S. Rubenwolf, O. Strohmeier, A. Kloke, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Carbon Electrodes for Direct Electron Transfer Type Laccase Cathodes Investigated by Current Density-Cathode Potential Behavior
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 26, 2010, 841-845.

U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink, K. Kratt, V. Badilita, and B. Mack
3D ultra-fast manufactured microcoils on polymer or metal cores
SAIEE Research Journal, 101, 2010, 42-44.


Y. Zhou, F. S. Riehle, Y. Yuan, H. Schleiermacher, M. Niggemann, G. A. Urban, M. Krüger
Improved Efficiency of Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Non-ligand Exchanged CdSe Quantum Dots and Poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Applied Physics Letters, 96, 2010, 013304.

Y. Zhou, G. A. Urban, M. Krüger
Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on Nanocrystal-Polymer Hybrid Materials
International Conference on Molecular Electronics, 2010, Emmetten, Switzerland, 83.

T. Huesgen, G. Lenk, T. Lemke, P. Woias
Bistable Silicon Microvalve with Thermoelectrically Driven Thermopneumatic Actuator for Liquid Flow control
Tech. Digest IEEE MEMS Conference 2010, 1159-1162.

T. Huesgen, P. Woias
A Novel Self-Starting MEMS-Heat Engine for Thermal Energy Harvesting
Tech. Digest IEEE MEMS Conference 2010, Hong Kong, China, 1179-1182.

Y. Zhou, F. S. Riehle, Y. Yuan, G. A. Urban, M. Krüger
Improved Efficiency of Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Non-ligand Exchanged CdSe Quantum Dots and Poly(3-hexylthiophene)
International Conference on Nanoscience with Nanocrystals (NaNaX4), 2010, Munich,
Germany, 72.

S. Kerzenmacher, S. Rubenwolf, A. Kloke, R. Zengerle, J. Gescher
Biofuel cells for the energy supply of distributed systems: State-of-the-Art and applications
Proc.of Sensoren und Messsysteme, 2010, Nürnberg, Germany.

E. Bouendeu, A. Greiner, P. J. Smith, J. G. Korvink
Printed circuit board-based electromagnetic vibration harvesters in inverse configuration
Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, 2010, Venice/Mestre, Italy.

E. Bouendeu, A. Greiner, P. J. Smith, J. G. Korvink
Printed circuit board-based mechanical resonators for vibration energy harvesting
ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC 2010), 2010, Montréal, QC, Canada.

T. Hehn, C. Eichhorn, P. Woias, Y. Manoli
Autonomous Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System for Improved Energy Extraction Using a CMOS Integrated Interface Circuit
Proc. PowerMEMS 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 139-142.

C. Eichhorn, R. Tchagsim, N. Wilhelm, F. Goldschmidtböing, P. Woias
A Compact Piezoelectric Energy Harvester with a Large Frequency Tuning Range
Proc. PowerMEMS 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 207-210.

L. Hussein, G. Urban, M. Krüger
Fabrication and Characterization of Buckypaper-based Nanostructured Electrodes as a Novel Material for Biofuel Cell Applications
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 2011, 5831-5839.

L. Hussein, G. Urban
An Abiotically Catalyzed Glucose Fuel Cell Based on Decorated Buckypaper
MicroTAS 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands, 363-365.

L. Hussein, G. Urban
A Highly Efficient Buckypaper-Based Glucose Fuel Cell for Micro-Energy Harvesting
PowerMEMS 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 315-318.

Y. Zhou, M. Eck, M. Krüger
Bulk-heterojunction hybrid solar cells based on colloidal nanocrystals and conjugated polymers
Energy & Environmental Science, 3, 2010, 1851-1864.

H. Reinecke, C. Müller, and C. Bretthauer
Energiespeicherung und Versorgung miniaturisierter Systeme mittels Brennstoffzellen
Proceedings VDE Kongress - E-Mobility, 2010.

C. Bretthauer, C. Müller, and H. Reinecke
A precious-metal free micro fuel cell accumulator
Proc. International NMES Symposium, Shanghai, 41–43, 2010.

C. Bretthauer, D. Zimmermann, M. Frank, and H. Reinecke
Integrierte Brennstoffzellen als Energieversorgung für autonome Mikrosysteme
Galvanotechnik, 11, 2010, 2666–2670.

C. Bretthauer, D. Zimmermann, M. Frank, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Integierte Brennstoffzellen als Energieversorgung für autonome Mikrosysteme
PLUS, 11, 2010, 2636-2641.

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