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Lecture series "Micro Energy Harvesting"

09.12.2013 Energy Harvesting Technology in the Marketplace: Practical and Fundamental Considerations
  Prof. Shad Roundy University of Utah, USA
22.11.2013 Fuel Cell Systems in Future Energy Supply
  Prof. Angelika Heinzel Universität Duisburg-Essen
08.11.2013 Piezoelektrische Vibrations-Energiewandler
  Prof. Jörg Wallaschek Leibniz Universität Hannover
25.10.2013 Development of Inter-Digital Lithium Micro Batteries
  Dr. Robert Hahn Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin
24.09.2013 Mikrosystemtechnik mit intelligenten Materialien
  Prof. Manfred Kohl Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik, KIT
08.08.2013 Nonlinear Phenomena for Energy Harvesting
  Prof. Brian Mann Duke University, USA
12.07.2013 A Thin Film Thermoelectric Energy Harvester
  Prof. Christofer Hierold ETH Zürich, Switzerland
05.04.2013 Waste made useful using Microbial Fuel Cells: bioenergy for practical applications
  Dr. Ioannis A. Ieropoulos Bristol Robotics Laboratory, England
15.02.2013 Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer for Autonomous Sensors
  Prof. Manel Gasulla Universitat Politènica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech, Spain
11.01.2013 Living Microbial Catalysts at Modified Electrodes for Applications in Sustainable Energy Production and Bio-processes
  Prof. Frédéric Barrière Université de Rennes 1, France
20.12.2012 Metabolic MRI: Fiction and Reality
  Dr. Friedrich Wetterling Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
09.11.2012 Untersuchung thermoelektrischer Transporteigenschaften von dünnen Schichten und Nanodrähten
  Prof. F. Völklein Hochschule RheinMain
26.10.2012 Investigation of materials for solar energy conversion by surface photovoltage techniques
  PD Dr. Thomas Dittrich Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy
06.07.2012 Reference materials for traceable measurements of the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity from 300 K to 900 K
  Dr. Ernst Lenz Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin
01.06.2012 Hybrid Silicon Nanowire: From Basic Science to Applied Nanotechnology
  Dr. Muhammad Y. Bashouti Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen
27.04.2012 Utilization of Enzyme Cascades for Biofuel Cells: From Metabolism to Metabolons
  Prof. Shelley Minteer University of Utah, USA
23.03.2012 Power Management for Microbial Fuel Cells
  Prof. Nicolas Degrenne Ampère Laboratory, Lyon, France
20.01.2012 Application in Energy Harvesting
  Prof. Steve Beeby University of Southampton, UK
13.12.2011 Enzymatic Biofuel Cells: Explorations and Designs
  Prof. Plamen Atanassov University of New Mexico, USA
09.12.2011 Energy Harvesting - Energiegewinnung aus der Umgebung
  Stefan Schwamberger PMDM, Villingen-Schwenningen
28.10.2011 Electrodynamic Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transmission Systems
  Prof. David Arnold University of Florida, USA
21.10.2011 Cellobiose dehydrogenase - a versatile redox enzyme for bioelectrocatalysis
  Prof. Lo Gorton Lund University, Sweden
18.10.2011 Resonant Vibrational Energy Harvesting:  In Search of Low Frequency, Improved Efficiency, and Wideband Operation
  Prof. Carol Livermore MIT & Northeastern University, USA
13.10.2011 Hard-boiled Electrons: Using Thermionic Emission for Solar Energy Generation
  Dr. Igor Bargatin Stanford University, USA
15.07.2011 Development of Low-cost, Low-weight and Flexible Thermoelectric Converters
  Dr. Wulf Glatz greenTEG GmbH, Zürich, Switzerland
08.07.2011 Anwendungsoptimiertes Power Management in Energy Harvesting Systemen und erste Anwendungen
  Dr. Peter Spies Fraunhofer IIS, Nürnberg
17.06.2011 Ferecrystals: Interwoven Compounds with Designed Nanostructure and Tunable Properties
  Prof. David C. Johnson University of Oregon, USA
31.05.2011 Nanostrukturierte Thermoelektrika: Von der Chemischen Synthese zum Physikalischen Modellsystem
  Prof. Kornelius Nielsch Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Hamburg
27.05.2011 Aktuelle Akku- und Ladetechnik
  Ludwig Retzbach  
20.05.2011 Human++: wireless autonomous sensor technology for body area networks
  Dr. ir. Valer Pop imec/Holst Centre, Eindhoven, Netherlands
18.05.2011 Microbial fuel cells and other bioelectrochemical systems for energy production and other value added products
  Prof. Bruce Logan Penn State University, USA
25.03.2011 Energieversorgung von mikroelektronischen Sensormodulen über Funk
  Dr. Gerd vom Bögel Fraunhofer IMS, Duisburg
« July 2024 »
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