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Nimo, Antwi; Grgic, Dario; Reindl, Leonhard M
Ambient Electromagnetic wireless energy harvesting using multiband planar antenna
9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012 pp1-6, (2012) doi: 10.1109/SSD.2012.6198036.


K. Rühle, M. Freunek, L.M. Reindl and M. Kasemann
Towards New Design Rules for Indoor Photovoltaic Cells
9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012, pp1-5.


K. Rühle, S.W. Glunz and M. Kasemann
Passivation Layers for Indoor Solar Cells at Low Irradiation Intensities
Energy Procedia 27, 2012, 406-411.


K. Rühle, S.W. Glunz and M. Kasemann
Towards New Design Rules for Indoor Photovoltaic Cells
38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2012, pp002588-002591.


A. Nimo, A., Grgic, D., Reindl, L. M.
Impedance optimization of wireless electromagnetic energy harvesters for maximum output efficiency at µW input power
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2012, edited by Henry A. Sodano, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8341 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2012) 83410W. DOI: 10.1117/12.914778


A. Kloke, C. Köhler, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Porous Platinum Electrodes Fabricated by Cyclic Electrodeposition of PtCu Alloy: Application to Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells
J. Phys. Chem. C 116(37), 2012, 19689−19698.


A. Kloke, C. Köhler, R. Gerwig, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Cyclic Electrodeposition of PtCu Alloy: Facile Fabrication of Highly Porous Platinum Electrodes
Adv. Mater. 24(21), 2012, 2916-2921.


D. Moser, A. Steffen and O. Paul
Microstructure for the Determination of the Seebeck Coefficients of Doped Poly-Si Thin-Films
Proc. 9th Europ. Conf. on Thermolelctrics in AIP Proc., vol. 1449, pp. 413-416, 2012.


M. Baumann, A. Peter, D. Moser, P. Ruther and O. Paul
CMOS-Based Force Sensor with Overload Protection and Improved Assembly Tolerance
Tech. Digest IEEE MEMS Conference 2012, Jan. 29-Feb 2, 2012, Paris, France.


P. Ruther, T. Holzhammer, D. Moser and O. Paul
Silicon-Based Intracortical Probes for Chronic Applications
40th Neural Interfaces Conf., Salt Lake City, UT, Jun. 18-20, 2012.


D. Moser, D. Ilkaya and O. Paul
Membrane-Based Test Structure for the Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Doped Polysilicon Thin Films
31st Int. Conf. on Thermoelectrics, Aalborg, Denmark, Jul. 9-12, 2012.


Y.-T. Lee, D. Moser, T. Holzhammer, U. P. Froriep, A. Kilias, U. Egert, O. Paul and P. Ruther
Intracortical Probe Arrays with Silicon Backbone and Microelectrodes on Thin Polyimide Wings
42nd Annual Meeting of the Soc. for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 13-17, 2012.


D. Moser, K. Seidl, O. Paul and P. Ruther
Fabrication of Microfluidic Neural Probes with In-Channel Electrodes
Proc. IEEE Sensors 2012 Conf., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-31, pp. 664-667, 2012.


D. Moser, D. Ilkaya, D. Kopp and O. Paul
Determination of the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Doped Polysilicon Thin Films by Micromachined Test Structures
Proc. IEEE Sensors 2012 Conf., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-31, pp. 989-992, 2012.


A. Menzel, K. Subannajui, F. Güder, D. Moser, O. Paul and M. Zacharias
Multifunctional ZnO-nanowire Based Sensor
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov. 25-30, 2012.


Y.-T. Lee, D. Moser, T. Holzhammer, W. Fang, O. Paul and P. Ruther
Ultrathin, Dual-Sided Silicon Microprobes Realized Using BCB Bonding and Aluminum Sacrificial Etching
Tech. Digest IEEE MEMS Conference 2013, Jan. 20-24, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, accepted.


S. Neiss, J. Kleber, P. Woias, and M. Kroener
Reluctance Springs for Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Generators
Proc. PowerMEMS 2012, Dec. 02-05, 2012, Atlanta, USA, 153-156.


A. Balakrishnan, J. Becker, C. Mueller, and H. Reinecke
Advanced Hydrogen Storage Technique to Improve the Run Time of the "Chip Integrated Micro PEM Fuel Cell System"
Proc. PowerMEMS 2012, Dec. 02-05, 2012, Atlanta, USA, 379-382.


D. Hertkorn, F. Paul, C. Müller, T. Hanemann, H. Reinecke
Thickness Variation of Strontium Titanate Thick Films for Photo Electrochemical Energy Conversion
Abstract Book of International Symposium on integrated Functionalities ISIF 2012, June 18-21, 2012, Hong Kong, China, O513.


S. Genter, O. Paul
Parylene-C as an Electret Material for Micro Energy Harvesting
Tech. Digest PowerMEMS 2012, Dec. 2-5, 2012, Atlanta, USA, 129-132.


Gregor J. Osterwinter, Rodrigo Navarro-Crespo, Oswald Prucker and Jürgen Rühe
Photocrosslinked Surface Attached Polymers
ACS Spring Meeting 2012, April 25-30, 2012, San Diego, USA, PMSE 279.


J. Höfflin, E. Fischer, J. G. Korvink
Energy Harvesting towards autonomous MRI detection
EUROMAR 2012, July 1 – July 5, 2012, Dublin, Ireland, 2012, 115.


J.Leicht, D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
Autonomous and Self-Starting Efficient Micro Energy Harvesting Interface with Adaptive MPPT, Buffer Monitoring, and Voltage Stabilization
Proc. IEEE ESSCirC 2012, Sep. 17-21, 2012, Bordeaux, France, 101-104.


S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Roulet, T. Huesgen, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Performance improvement of a micro thermomechanical generator by incorporating Galinstan® micro droplet arrays
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22 (9), 2012, 094002-07, 


S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Kroener, P. Woias
A Bimetallic Micro Heat Engine for Pyroelectric Energy Conversion
Procedia Engineering, 47, 2012, 33-36, DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.077.


S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Standalone Pyroelectric Harvester for Thermal Energy Harvesting
Power MEMS 2012, December 2-5, 2012, Atlanta, USA.


D. Zimmermann, J. Becker, M. Kuhl, C. Moranz, I. Freund, C. Müller, H. Reinecke, Y. Manoli
On-Chip Micro Fuel Cells as Power Supply for Smart Microsystems
Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, March 21-22, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.


A. Balakrishnan, J. Becker, C. Mueller, H. Reinecke
Advanced Hydrogen Storage Technique to Improve the Run Time of the “Chip Integrated Micro PEM Fuel Cell System”
Advanced Materials Research, 608-609, 2012, 904-912.


M. Krüger, M. Eck, Y. Zhou, F.-S. Riehle
Semiconducting nanocrystal/conjugated polymer composites for applications in hybrid polymer solar cells
Chapter 13 in "Semiconductor Polymer Composites. Principles, Morphologies, Properties and Applications" ,Ed. Xiaoniu Yang , Wiley VCH Weinheim, Germany, 1st ed., ISBN 978-352-733-030-0.


C. Cepnik, E.M. Yeatman, U. Wallrabe
Effects of nonconstant coupling through nonlinear magnetics in electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 23, 2012, 1533-1541.

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